Amours à Vérone
Tea Break not to be missed for all tea lovers of all around the world. Black tea blend Chinese dotted with kiwi and strawberry, gluttony pure.
Brew 4'.

10.90 CHF/100gr

Barry Lindon
Black tea with the aromas of lotus, violet and grapefruit interspersed with petals of rose.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Caramel avec Croquants
Black Chines tea flavored with toffee pieces.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Colomba Corsica
Black tea and Oolong, flavoured with fig, chestnut and tangerine. The taste of Corsica.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Forêt Noire
Blend of black teas flavoured with wild blackberries, blackcurrant and whortleberries.
Brew 4'.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Hawaï avec Fleurs
Black tea with pieces of mango sweetened, petals of bluebottle and flowers of mallow. Orange aroma.
Brew 4'.
9.00 CHF/100gr

Île de Madagascar
Vanilla black tea, with chocolate and almonds containing brightness of broad beans of cacao and pieces of almonds. A dream of a Malagasy night, which deserves its big success.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Jeux Interdits
Black tea of China delicately flavoured with pear, cinnamon, and of a top of liquorice. A real delight to discover at once!
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Le Diable au Corps
Black tea with natural aomas of cherry, strawberry, raspberry and redcurrant interspersed with pieces of fruits. One classic.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Le Lotus Bleu
Black tea flavoured with wild strawberries , rhubarb and honey interspersed with flowers of bluebottle. Home reference. The must !
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

L'Esprit du Bouddha
Black tea flavoured with jasmine, lavenda, vanilla and citrus.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Lotus Royal avec Fleurs
Black Chinese tea flavored with lotus and sprinkled of lotus petals.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Black Chinese tea with aweetened mango pieces, decorated with marygold petals. Natural mabgo aromas.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Noix de Coco
Black Chinese tea, flavored with coconuts pieces.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Orange Cannelle
Black Chines tea, flavored with orange and cinnamon pieces, and a light toffee note.
Sweet and fruity.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Pomme Cannelle
Black Chines tea, flavored with apple and cinnamon pieces.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Black tea of China flavoured with cherries, almond and vanilla, and with flowers of bluebottle and rose.
Brew 4'.

10.90 CHF/100gr

Samba Tropical
Black tea flavoured with maracuja, with grapefruit and strawberry. A mixture of the colours of Brazil.
Brew 4'.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Sous la Palmeraie
Need to breathe the pure air of the East? Then close your eyes and let yourself fly with this sophisticate black tea from China with pieces of dates and tangerines, it is as we were there…
Brew 4’.

9.90 CHF/100gr

Une Nuit à Katmandou
Black flavoured tea with mango, lotus, litchi, cherry, cinnamon and ginger. Petals of rose and pieces of ginger.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Vanille de Madagascar
Black Chinese tea, flavored with Madagascar vanilla pieces.
Brew 4'.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Week-end à Rome
Black Chinese tea, exclusive blend La Boutique du Goût, sprinkled with with and black chocolate chips, tiramisu, chocolate and toffee aromas.
Brew 4'.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Promenade des Anglais
Black tea of China with autumn fruits: grapes, apples, plum and almonds. Almond, vanilla and apple aromas.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Ballade à Central Park
China flavoured black tea - Exclusive blend Shop Taste - delicately scented pieces of figs, almonds and apricots. Reminiscent of a stroll in the heart of Central Park ...
Brew 4'.

10.90 CHF/100gr

Black Chines tea flavored with cinnamon pieces.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Choco Cacao
Eclusive blend La Boutique du Goût. Black Chinese tea, tasty spriknkled of dark chocolate pieces, and cocoa nibs, to drink without any moderation.
Brew 4'.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Elixir des Mayas
Black tea from China - Exclusive blend La Boutique du Goût - combined with the sweetness of chocolate, cocoa nibs, strawberry pieces, enhanced by a touch of pink pepper. Too much !!!
Brew 4'.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Black Chinese tea flavored with gingr pieces.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Hymne à l'Amour
Flavored black Chinese tea - Exclusive blend La Boutique du Goût. For all tea lovers in light heart, this gentle blend of black teas dotted with strawberry, rose, lychee and micro sugar petals in the shape of little hearts: will be a pure delight!
Brew 4’.
10.90 CHF/100gr

In the Mood for Love
Black tea flavoured with violet, jasmine and interspersed with citrus fruit and flowers. The tea of the lovers.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

L'Arche de Noé
Authentic blend from La Boutique Du Goût. Apricot invited her friend grenade to give you a special taste. This is also the country where Noah arrested with his ark on Mount Ararat, the highest summit of a volcanic chain and high mountain ranges. The nectar of this tea will bring you pleasure and make you dream ...
Brew 4-5’.

11.90 CHF/100gr

Le Grand Bleu
Diving at the heart of this blend of Chinese black tea, pieces of red and black fruits, adorned with stalls shaped sugar blue dolphin ...
Brew 4’.

9.90 CHF/100gr

Les Liaisons Dangereuses
Black tea flavoured with strawberry, vanilla, cherry, caramel and pieces of caramel and pods of vanilla.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

L'Eternel Voyageur
Sophisticate blend of Chinese black tea, decorated with pieces of red rhubarb fruit and a hint of liquorice.
Brew 4’.

9.90 CHF/100gr

Ma Cabane au Canada
Want to relax in the nature? Close your eyes and let yourself transported by the China black tea deliciously flavoured with this incomparable nectar of maple syrup.
A moment of pure relaxation.
Brew 4’.

10.90 CHF/100gr

Miel Orange
Black Chinese tea, flavored with honey and sweet orange pieces.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Black tea flavoured with violet and decorated with flowers. Poetic.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Pain d'Epices d'Antan
Black tea flavoured with the great taste of gingerbread spices, orange and cinnamon. The tea of all parties.
brew 4'.
12.50 CHF/100gr

Reine de Saba
Thé noir de Chine aromatisé à la pêche et à l'abricot, parsemé de morceaux de fruits et de pétales de fleurs. Le Roi Salomon n'est pas le seul à l'adorer.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Rose avec Pétales
Black Chinese tea flavored with rose petals.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Saveur des Tropiques
Black tea with the sophisticate aromas of strawberry, mango, pineapple, banana and rose, sprinkled with flowers of sunflower.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Blend of India tea and spices. tea wich is drink in India with or without milk and sugar.
Brew 4'.
0 CHF/100gr
Thé Noir de Noël (season only)
Black chinese tea, flavored with spices, cinnamon, orange, orange peels and little sugar snowflakes.
Brew 4'.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Un Thé sur la Volga
Black tea of China and Oolong with the aromas of citrus fruit, pink berries and spices.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Un Eté à la Campagne
Black tea of China flavoured with red fruits, peaches and rhubarb. Deliciously fruity.
Brew 4'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Vue Sur Le Lac
Black tea of China and Oolong with the aromas of peach, apricot, red fruits, vanilla and rhubarb. A hot or cold culinary delight.
Brew 4'.

10.90 CHF/100gr

Thé Noir de Noël
Black Chinese tea, flavoured with cinnamon, spices, orange pels, and sugar's snowflakes.
Brew 4'.
10.90 CHF/100gr