Un Eté à Capri
Flavored green tea - Exclusive blend from la Boutique du Goût..
Sencha China flavored blend of grapefruit and strawberry pieces, beautifully decorated with rose petals.
Brew 3’.

10.90 CHF/100gr

Earl Grey du Cherche-Midi
Blend of green tea and Oolong flavoured with bergamot and with tangerine ; interspersed with flowers of bluebottle and worries. A must.
Brew 3'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Gunpowder Spécial à la Menthe Nanah
Green tea in the soft said mint Nanah. An extremely thirst-quenching tea. Its Reseda liqueur contributes to reinforce the impression of freshness.
Brew 3'.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Jardin de Mogador
Blend of Sencha green tea and Gunpowder flavoured with mint Nanah of Morocco and with rose. Unique.
Brew 3'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Sophisticate blend of green tea with jasmine and bergamot.
Brew 3'.
10.90 CHF/100g

Pretty Woman
Sencha green tea of China interspersed with berries of pink pepper, aroma of champagne and strawberry. Strawberry pieces.
Brew 3'.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Roi Salomon
Sencha green tea of China- flavoured with peach and apricot. It forms the perfect match with our Saba Queen.
Brew 3'.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Thé au Jasmin Ching Hao
A great tea of China, with very fine leaves with a delicacy taste of jasmine. A marvel for its aromas. Without temperance, it accompanies the Asian food.
Brew 3 – 5’.
22.00 CHF/100gr
Thé Vert de Noël (season only)
Green Chinese tea, flavored with cocoa beans, orange, orange peels, and little sugar stars.
Brew 3'.

10.90 CHF/100gr

Thé vert de Noël
Green Chinese tea, flavored with cocoa beans, orange, orange peels, and little sugar stars. Brew 3'.

10.90 CHF/100gr

Gin Fizz
Blend of Sencha green tea flavoured with ginger, lemon and citronella. Pepper and acidulous flavour, very refreshing taste.
Brew 3'.
10.9.90 CHF/100gr

J'aimerais tant voir Syracuse
Sencha green tea of China flavoured with grapefruit, lemon and tangerine.
Brew 3'.
9.90 CHF/100gr

Le Petit Chaperon Rouge
Sencha green tea flavoured with red fruits. Interspersed with small redcurrants, with cherries, with strawberries and with raspberries. Superb tea with asserted character and with a delightful taste. One of our favourites.
Brew 3'.
10.90 CHF/100gr
Sacre d’Orient (Bio)
Subtil mélange de thé vert gunpowder, de sencha de Chine, de matcha, de moringua et
de mangue. La quantité de vertus et bienfaits du thé vert que l’on peut dresser à partir
des textes chinois, japonais ou indiens est impressionnante. Il est antioxydant et
désintoxiquant. C’est un excellent stimulant pour le corps et l’esprit.
Boisson idéale, chaude ou froide pour accompagner tous vos sorbets et glaces, ce
mélange est un super aliment détox et bien-être, et de plus il combat les effets de la
chaleur en été, bref : que du bonheur !
Infusion 3 mn.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Rêve de la Martinique
Sencha green tea of China flavoured with pineapple, mango, papayas and exotic fruits with petals of flowers and pieces of pineapples. The taste of the distant islands. Our big classical is a frozen delight.
Brew 3'.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Soleil Rouge
Chinese green tea delicately dotted with cherry blossoms, worthy of antioxidants cure of the greatest samurai.
Brew 3'.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Thé au Jasmin BDG
Very nice green tea of China perfumed with jasmine and interspersed with flowers.
Brew 3’.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Tout Amande
Chinese green tea, flavored with chunks of fresh almonds, sprinkled with marigold flowers. A nice relaxing break in perspective ...
Brew 3'.

10.90 CHF/100gr

Vert Madagascar
Sencha green tea flavoured in vanilla and in chocolate. Cocoa bean pieces and almonds.
Brew 3'.
10.90 CHF/100gr

Comme un Ouragan
Flavored green tea – Exclusive blend from la Boutique du Gout.. Need peps? Fill up with antioxidants and amino acids, associated with the benefits of ginseng and ginger delicately sprinkled with pieces of nectarine and pineapple: a vitality hurricane forecast!
Brew 3'.

15.90 CHF/100gr