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White teas

Exclusivly compound  of buds or soft spikes of young twigs, this tea undergoes a lot of maipulation and process after picking, to to keep all aromas and qualities. white tea, rich in vitamin C and antioxidant is really beneficial for healf. it give you a fine cup, delicate and highly appreciated by expert.

Earl Grey Imperial

​White Cginese tea, delicately scented with nergamot, and decorated with bluberry flowers.


light white tea floral frangances to to nuance the subtility of bergamot.

An "Imperial"cut!


18.50 CHF/100gr

Paï mu tan

Called " white peony ", this rare tea comes from the Fujian province. has long silver-plated leaves covered with down. Summer or spring tea, it is very refreshing. Ideal for an initiation to white tea. Perfect for the morning, during and after lunch.


Brew from 5 to 20’.


You can brew the same leaves again 3 to 6 times.

16.50 CHF/100gr

Wan Ji Hung - Immortal Flower

70 buds form this carved tea with jasmine flavor. When brewing a beautiful pale pink immortal flower of 3 to 4 cm appears, magical!

Brew 3' to 5'.


1 flower for 1 liter of tea, and you can re-infuse 3 times the same flower.

6.50 CHF/ flower

Les Rives du St-Laurent

Fill you up with antioxidants and vitamins through this flavored white tea with pomegranate pieces, cranberry and elderberry. Freshness and pep insured. Follow the river from North America to Canada, just by closing your eyes.

Infusion 4 ‘/7’ .

18.50 CHF/100gr


Flavoured white tea interspersed with jasmine and petals of rose and violet.

Brew 3 – 5’.

18.50 CHF/100gr

Jade Pearl Jasmine

Chinese white tea, from the Fujian Province. Consists of the bud, the first and second leaves are rolled in to beads. The color of the liqueur is crystalline. With Jasmine.

Brew 5 to 7 mn.

You can brew the same leaves again 3 times.

44.40 CHF/100gr

Cœurs de thé

This white tea, called Ai Xin comes from Fujian province. It takes a full worked day to shape 150g of these hearts. It is fragrant 8 times with jasmine flower and sprinkled with red rose petals. It is produced only 150 Kg of this exceptional tea per year.


4-5 brew possible with 5 hearts for 20 cl of water.

115.00 CHF/100gr



White Chinese tea neatly flavored with exotic fruits pieces, papaya ( the richest one in vitamin C), pineapple, citrus….

Full of refreshing savors, to dream, under the sun…

Brew 4'.

18.50 CHF/100gr

Yin Zhen Aiguile d'Argent

Chinese white tea from the Fujian province. Needle-shaped bud needle-shaped, covered with white hair. Crystal color liqueur. Sweet smell. The light floral scents of the white tea nuance the presence of jasmine. Hand picking only consists of the bud.


Brew about 3 to 4 minutes.

You can renew the infusion using the same leaves three times.

81.10 CHF/100gr

Yin Zhen Bai Hao

White tea, spring 2016 harvest delicate taste, slightly floral, near the orchid. Very delicate, very rich in vitamins and antioxidants especially, it would be the richest plant with vitamin A. This very large tea was before used only for the Emperor, and was picked by young virgins who wore white gloves and fitted with gold scissors! Only the first bud of the tea plant harvested without further processing as drying in the sun for 48 hours. RARE .

196.00 CHF/100gr



Fill the tank of mineral and vitamin C, thnks to sweet and aciludated flavors of raspberry, and antioxidant and vitamin from grapefruit with white Chinese tea. Un concentré de bienfaits naturels pour une parfaite, zest attitude.


Brew 4’.

17.00 CHF/100gr

La Boutique du Goût  6 Rue du Cendrier - 1201 Genève   Tel + 41 (0)22 738 23 61

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