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and Nilgiri Teas

The region of Assam, rich with elephants, rhinos, buffaloes and leopards, is located in the northeast part of India. It produces character teas, powerful and robust, characterized by woody and malted notes.
Nilgiri teas come from a southern region of India. There are also referred to as the teas from the Blue Mountain because of the presence of eucalyptus trees which leaves have a bluish sheen.

Nilgiri teas have a soft and velvety flavor and are harvested all year long.

English Breakfast

Subtil blend of Ceylan and Assam BOP teas. With or without milk.

Brew 4' to 5'.

8.70 CHF/100gr

Quai des Indes

Darjeeling, Assam and Nilgiri. These three regions of India join in this soft and balanced blend. 

Brew 4'.

9.30 CHF/100gr


Area in the South of India which produces one of the fulliest-bodied tea, which taste is closer to that of Ceylon teas. Ideal with a dash of milk.

Brew 3 to 4 mn.

8.30 CHF/100gr

Assam GFBOP Raidang 

Beautiful plantation of Upper Assam in the Tinsukia district which produces a malty and robust tea with broken leaves dotted with golden tips. Full-bodied liqueur, perfect for the morning with milk and sugar.


Brew 4 to 5 mn.

9.50 CHF/100gr

 Assam SuperiorGFOP

We have selected a tea with whole leaves that comes from the best plantations of Upper Assam. Regular leaves dotted with golden tips. Round and balanced flavor. Liqueur with a nice orange color. Morning tea that go well with milk and sugar.

Brew 4 to 5 mn.

9.40 CHF/100gr

Assam TGFOP Mangalam 

One of the most prestigious plantations of Assam, located in its center. Medium-size plantation (300 hectares). Long and regular leaf, rich with golden tips, red-orange color. Creamy liqueur. Ideal for the morning.

Brew 4 to 5 mn.

12.80 CHF/100gr

La Boutique du Goût  6 Rue du Cendrier - 1201 Genève   Tel + 41 (0)22 738 23 61

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